Management Proposal Request

Management Proposal Request

bc9fedb6-0cb6-41c5-806c-1ca7a8ecbc0a Label
Requestor Information
87df263f-208c-4fd1-a4d0-21de356fb2c6 Textbox
Today's Date Is: *
7b071512-06af-4784-a39f-2c7c44dfe1ed Textbox
Your Name: *
b5c810d7-30b1-4b50-9a71-5de36ed877b5 Textbox
Your Address: *
7508a136-891f-4e95-9f39-d258210786e6 Textbox
Daytime Phone Number: *
a3e354b0-84d0-466a-97ed-5b16de0f45de Textbox
Email Address: *
09899cf6-ce63-4fe6-883f-93b422331f06 Label
Association Information
ce637b1b-bf18-4c04-a635-a3a3546924a9 Textbox
Association Name: *
f4a81dd6-73e6-4953-9679-e5a1466f97aa Textbox
Association Address: *
a2cdc6d2-a60e-4bb6-af46-9e4ebbaf856b Textbox
Number of Properties *
3e84b5db-e554-43bb-8120-dec82cdb83c5 Dropdown List
Any Planned Development?
90b1364f-27a5-45cc-8592-2574d32fc7b5 Dropdown List
Assessment Frequency:
e5840cf3-e1ea-4b0b-b176-b3f3851fe2dd Dropdown List
Length of Mgmt Relationship:
144e332b-e575-4f9f-92f2-8532e04b903c Dropdown List
# of Relationships in Five Years:
feec8aab-19ec-446c-917c-38c8894cd2b7 Dropdown List
Level of Service?
e0ef3171-fc97-4e2e-b461-041578b8d787 Textbox
What is your title on the board?
d0e7fb1e-0000-4b1e-96f0-35afe236a4f2 Textbox
If you're not on the board, provide the address and phone number of the Board President:
ce379998-839a-44a4-a030-9d244f12aea5 Textbox
What amenities does your association offer its residents?
e7422b2e-f563-4d85-a7ab-6878f627f0e5 Textbox
Is there anything else you can tell us, which will help us provide a better proposal?

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Connected to: Legacy Southwest - Management Proposal Request.pdf
Last Modified: 10/5/2023 11:02:37 AM
Form ID: 71a3facc-42e5-4bac-b886-94335e8f4f09